
LXNAV LX8030 flightcomputer 4'' + vario-unit

The LX8030 is a high-end vario navigation system with extremely bright 3 inch color display, running well proven firmware with multilingual interface. The simple and logical user interface is fully customizable and designed for toplevel competitors, club operation as well as for beginners. This instrument is preloaded with worldwide terrain maps, airspace and airports databases. User friendly data exchange using the integrated WiFi-module, the USB-port or the optional SD-cardreader. On board are an internal flight recorder with IGC approval for all flights including world records and optionally an artificial horizon. Complex tasks with assigned areas manipulation and real-time flight optimization according to FAI and OLC rules. This system includes the innovative V8-variometer with inertial platform and 3D-accelerometers.

€ 3.740,00 € 3.090,91